I have been practicing Reiki for quite some time. I was attuned to Reiki for the first time in 1996. I was then attuned to Level 2 in 2011 and then to Master/Teacher Level in 2018. I now teach and attune to all levels of Reiki.
Reiki is a Japanese word which in simple terms means Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki comes in different forms. I practice and teach the Usui Method of Reiki, as founded by Dr Mikao Usui and the early 1920's. The Usui System is the most well known method of passing down the gift of Reiki from Master to Practitioner.
Reiki is in essence a method of channeling healing. The practitioner places their hands either gently upon or just above the recipient and calls in the Reiki Healing Energy. The Reiki can be felt by the recipient in different ways, quite often as a sensation of warmth coming from the hands but everyones experience is unique so it is difficult to explain exactly what to expect. Most people experience deep relaxation and a sense of peace and often the benefits can be felt for days, weeks or longer after the treatment. Reiki can also be sent distantly we call this long distance healing. This is not taught until level 2 as it is important to get used to the feel of Reiki in your hands before you move on to such techniques. A Reiki practitioner doesn't give away their own energy, they are simply a channel for the energy to flow through. It is a good idea to make sure that Reiki is taught systematically with an experienced teacher and to take your time with each level before moving on to the next. This will help to be a clear channel without giving ones own energy away.
Reiki can do no harm. Reiki is a loving energy. Reiki is not a cult, a religion or a massage. Reiki is gentle, natural, energising, relaxing, balancing and harmless.
The best way to develop and understanding Reiki is to receive a treatment then you will know how Reiki feels to you and what the benefits are.
I will now explain the different levels of Reiki and what they enable you to practice.
Reiki Level 1
Level 1 connects you to the Reiki energy and you will learn all about the origins of Reiki, where it came from and how it works. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss your own healing needs. Level one is suitable for anyone who wants to learn about Reiki and use it for themselves for SELF HEALING. You will be attuned to an energy that you can use for your own personal healing practice which you will be taught how to carry out. You will also be able to carry out Reiki sessions on friends, family and animals should you wish to, although there is no obligation to go ahead and use Reiki in this way. You are perfectly welcome to use this gift just for yourself. Level 1 can be taught in one day but then will continue for 21 days of self healing on your own when you leave the teaching space. This will complete your connection. I offer and recommend a return visit included the cost of the course, after the 21 days are over. This will give you the space to discuss your experiences with self healing and to become confident about how to use your Reiki with others should you wish. As your Reiki Master and Teacher I am available for support during the time between your attunement and the end of you your 21 days of self healing.
Reiki Level 2
Level 2 is required in order to practice Reiki in a professional setting. If you wish to use Reiki with others and receive formal payment, your insurance company will require you to be attuned to and certified in Level 2. Although there is a lot more to learning and being attuned to Level 2 than stepping up to professional level. This course will teach you how to raise the energy of your Reiki. You will learn how to use the Reiki Symbols as passed down from Mikao Usui and then from Master to Student ever since. You will also learn how to carry out Distance Reiki which allows you to send Reiki energy and healing to people who are not present physically. You will also learn more ways to use Reiki to enhance your every day life, deepening your connection. Level 2 can be taught in one day. Level 1 is the prerequisite. Master/Teacher Level (also sometimes called Level 3)
This level is usually taught over 2 full days, preferably consecutive days where possible. Once completed, you will have the ability to attune others to Reiki and teach the practice. I recommend that you gain plenty of experience working with Reiki before become a teacher. Experience is as important as knowledge. As a rule of thumb I recommend at least 3 months between level 1 and level 2 and then at least a year of gaining experience before you move on to Master Level, however everyone is different and only you know when it is the right time. As with the the previous levels, Master/Teacher level will enhance your Reiki practice, raise your energy and further deepen your connection. Some students choose to be attuned to this level for themselves as a way of feeling complete in their Reiki Journey, with no intention of teaching. This is an individual choice and becoming a Master does not obligate you to teaching. Being attuned to Levels 1 and 2 is the prerequisite